Calibrator, Simulator, Checker, Black body

  • Filter

Description: VOLTAGE/CURRENT CALIBRATOR Model : CC-421 * Current source : 0 to 24 mA, 2 ranges. * Current measurement : 0 to 24 mA, 2 ranges. * Power (12 V) and current measurement of two wire loop : 0 to 24 mA, 2 ranges. * DC mV source : -199.9mV to +199.9mV.

Description: Conductivity solution Model : CD-14 * 1.413 mS conductivity solution

Description: pH 4 BUFFER SOLUTION Model : PH-04 * pH 4.00 buffer solution.

Description: pH 7 BUFFER SOLUTION Model : PH-07 * pH 7.00 buffer solution.

Description: 33% RH HUMIDITY CALIBRATOR Model : RHA-33